What is the big deal?
I am really excited to share this with you. However, it has taken me a lot longer than expected to find the information needed to write this blog post and it ended up being another one where I cannot stop writing. There is a lot of information about some things and close to nothing about others. Some conclusions seem to be based on dubious research and I have done my best to highlight this for you to make your own conclusions. So this week I will start with explaining what the Gc protein-derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF) and alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase (nagalse) proteins are and why they are important for immune function. I have also chosen to briefly highlight the story of why these proteins caught my attention.
GcMAF got some publicity last week after some links have been made between several doctors found dead in the US. Five of these doctors who are linked to Florida are known to be against vaccinations. It just happens that Florida has recently introduced a forced vaccination law which brings on the conspiracy theories about the deaths of these doctors.
You may wonder what vaccinations and GcMAF has in common. One of the doctors found dead, Dr Bradstreet, has suggested that the immune dysfunction and autoimmune problems often seen in autism are caused by an unresolved viral infection. He has based this conclusion on the basis that children with autism most often have an increase in the protein nagalse (1). Nagalase is produced by viruses and cancer cells to impair the immune system. According to this webpage; Dr. Bradstreet and several others suspected that nagalase has been intentionally added to vaccines. Treatment with GcMAF, which is illegal in the US, has been shown to reduce nagalase blood levels, which is thought to reverse disease in both autism and cancer (1, 2)
What is the connection between GcMAF and nagalase?
GcMAF is a protein produced in our bodies which normally stimulates the development of macrophages (an important component of the immune system which fights cancer). A natural inhibitor for GcMAF is nagalase, which is produced by viruses and cancer cells to allow continued growth with as little interference from the immune system as possible. There are some trials that show that adding GcMAF to children with autism or as a cancer treatment can ease or reverse disease (1) (2).
Several studies have shown that nagalase is increased in the serum of cancer patients (2,3). It is selectively targeting the Gc protein (also known as vitamin D3-binding protein), for deglycosylation, the removal of a sugar molecule, which will change its structure (3,4). Deglycosylated Gc protein cannot be converted into MAF. This will impair the immune system as macrophage activation for phagocytosis and antigen presentation is necessary for the immune system to function and develop.
Immunosuppression will occur when there is a shortage of activated macrophages in the system (5). A suppressed immune system can also be caused by chemo- or radio therapy, which is often the cause of death in cancer patients as they lack the ability to fight infections like pneumonia or the flu. However, a flu shot will most likely do you more harm than good as they are highly inefficient.
The Gc protein can be found in three different isoforms: Gc1f, Gc1s and Gc2 (6). Nagalase will very precisely bind to amino acid 420 of the Gc protein. Interestingly, some individuals have been found to have a different amino acid than what is normal at position 420 in Gc2, which prevents this form from being glycosylated (6). Depending on how much of the altered Gc2 a person produces, it may have an impact on susceptibility for disease and a permanently suppressed immune system.
How do you know if you have increased nagalase activity?
There are laboratories that test blood levels of nagalse. Although there are few in the UK it is always possible to send a sample abroad.
When testing for nagalase blood levels, normal nagalase activity is considered to be within a range of 0.5-0.95 nmol/ml/min for adults (7). However, this measurement only reflects the enzyme activity in the blood for GcMAF. There are two other potential targets of nagalase which are not taken into consideration: Gc protein and bloodgroup A substance. Unfortunately this means that nagalase activity is a poor biomarker to measure the inactivation of GcMAF. To avoid this problem, Gc protein levels can be measured as well. The amount of Gc protein in the blood may vary between 150 and 1500 mg/l. However, a normal value would typically stay between 279 and 579 mg/l. The amount of Gc protein available can directly affect the GcMAF level as it is a precursor needed to form this molecule. It may also act as a competitor for nagalase, which means that nagalase will bind to the Gc protein rather than GcMAF and that way spare the GcMAF from being inactivated (7).
Where to test your nagalase level in the UK
If you want to test your nagalase level I have found two laboratories in the UK who does this. However, I am not sure about how they perform these tests so I would recommend that you send them an e-mail to ask what factors they take into consideration when doing the tests. The first one is Biolab and the second lab is Blood Tests London. However, it is possible to send blood samples to test abroad which may be worth looking into.
Please let me know if you have done this test or planning to by leaving a comment. If you need any help to figure out whether it is a good test or not you can either leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
Next week I will share more specifics on the research done on GcMAF therapy. I will look into its safety and efficacy in treating disease and highlight a few other aspects which need to be considered to increase your own production of GcMAF and maximise its activity.
1. Bradstreet J. J., Vogelaar E. and Thyer L. Initial observations of elevated alpha-n-acetylgalactosaminidase activity associated with autism and observed reductions from GC protein – macrophage acitvating factor injections. Autism Insignts. 2012;4:31-38.
2. Thyer L. et al. GC protein-derived macrophage-activating factor decreases α-N-acetylgalactosaminidase levels in advanced cancer patients. Oncoimmunology. 2013;2(8): e25769.
3. Mohamad S. B. et al. Tumor cell alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase activity and its involvement in GcMAF-related macrophage activation. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 2002;132(1):1-8.
4. Yamamoto N., Suyama H. and Yamamoto N. Immunotherapy for prostate cancer with Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF. Translational Oncology. 2008;1(2):65-72.
5. Yamamoto N., Ueda M. and Hashinaka K. Immunotherapy of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with Gc protein-derived macrophage-activating factor, GcMAF or its cloned derivative, GcMAFc. Clinical Immunology. 2010;135:S13 Doi:10.1016/j.clim.2010.03.045
6. Ravnsborg T. et al. The glycosylation and characterization of the candidate Gc macrophage activating factor. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Proteins and Proteomics. 2010;1804(4):909-917.
7. RED Laboratories. Nagalase Activity Assay. http://www.redlabs.be/red-labs/our-tests/retrovirus-testing.php. (Accessed 2 August 2015)