HM-Chelat , quelante basado en EDTA

HM-ChelatTM is a patented EDTA chelator used for the extraction and removal of heavy metal ions based on polyaminopolycarbonic acid (DiCalciumEDTA), its physiological digestive sales and stabilized oxygen electrolyte in distilled water. It is an EDTA chelator.

HM-ChelatTM is not suitable for helping situations involving acute mercury toxicity or very high ion loads of other metals. It is best and most effective as a low to medium therapy for light to chronic heavy metals toxicity. It has its greatest value as a middle and long term therapy for sub-acute or chronic heavy metals toxicity.

HM-ChelatTM works gently by and is easier to administer than most chelators. A program of between 6 – 12 months is suggested for an appreciable reduction of the heavy metals load. This is done without disturbance to the vital metals minerals balance that is essential for the proper healthy state of the body. It is so gentle that even a baby can use. A first mobilization of heavy metal ions out of the body can and often do cause serious side effects.

HM-ChelatTM is non-toxic and can be added to drinking water. It chelates all Transition Metals, makes them electronically neutral, which means that the body can use the metals it needs (calcium, iron, zinc, copper, etc.) and eliminate those it does not (mercury, cadmium, lead, etc.)

When the body cannot chelat toxic metals by locking the heavy metal ions onto an amino acid (EDTA) to «neutralise» the electric charge its chelation ability must be improved by supplementation. This can be achieved by using HM-Chelat, an EDTA chelation agent, which has been clinically tested for efficacy and toxicity.

HM-ChelatTM works through the creation of a magnetic gradient in the blood after it has been absorbed follwing ingestion. The heavy metal ions «floating freely» in the blood are neutraized and bound up by HM-Chelat. This causes a «vacuum» in the blood, ie., free of heavy metal ions, which then cause a «pull» on heavy metal ions trapped in the tissues and organs of the body to be released. Through this process the heavy metals load is slowly and surely eliminated.